Hypno Script – Relaxation to Sleep

Relaxation to Sleep

In just a moment, we are going to journey.
To a better sleep, thank you for joining me.

Leading the way to a better sleep.
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Find your most comfortable place to relax.
Preferably, a dark room where you can lay.
There will be no distractions interrupting our time together.
You can use a blanket if it helps.
Stack pillows to rest your head upright.
Stay fully and perfectly relaxed.
Put any devices on silent mode.

Close your eyes, relax your arms comfortably.
Make slight adjustments if needed.
Start with breathing easily and deeply.
Breathe in deeply, hold for three counts.
Then slowly let go. Breathe in, one, two, three.
And now release. Excellent. Repeat until I stop.

Focus on your breathing, put away distracting thoughts.
Listen only to my voice. Focus on your body.
Notice your toes begin to relax, then your legs.
Feel your hips relax, take deep breaths.
Your tummy relaxes, then your chest.
Next, your arms relax, breathe in and out.
Shoulders release tension, back and arms relax.
Your neck loosens up, crown of your head tingles.
Your whole body is relaxed, feel light as a cloud.

You are very aware of your body now.
Feel sensations of pure, blissful relaxation.
It’s easy to slip into deep relaxation.
Focus on your breathing, my voice.
Each breath takes you deeper and deeper.
You feel a gentle, numbing sensation.
Feel yourself surrendering control, relaxing deeper.
My words replace your thoughts, echoing in your mind.
My voice becomes part of who you are.
Count backwards from 20 with me.
With every count, you go deeper.

Imagine yourself in a large, open field.
A beautiful hot air balloon is there.
Notice the colors and patterns on the balloon.
Feel a sense of warmth and security.
The balloon is about to launch.
You feel happy, comfortable, confident, and relaxed.

The gas burner ignites, the balloon lifts off.
You see shimmering sunlight, the sky is blue.
Wispy clouds float gently across the sky.
As the balloon goes higher, you relax more.
Look down at the fields below, trees look smaller.
Drift up higher, become more relaxed and comfortable.

On the horizon, a full moon rises.
The balloon drifts comfortably over fields and meadows.
The air is fresh, breathe deeply, feel relaxed.
Pass over fields of lavender and jasmine.
The smell fills your nostrils, beautifully intoxicating.
Pass over a still, blue lake.
Feel a cool sensation washing over your skin.
The moon rises higher, the balloon drifts.
Take in the magnificent view, feel detached.

The balloon drifts, stars appear in the sky.
Watch the sun sink slowly into the horizon.
The sunset is a splash of vibrant colors.
The balloon lifts higher into the evening sky.
Stars become clearer, your mind is alert.
Feel at one with the universe and creation.

A peaceful feeling flows through your body.
The balloon drifts over a green forest.
See treetops, brightly colored birds singing.
You feel at peace, relaxed, and comfortable.

The balloon begins to descend slowly.
Looking for a safe place to land.
Count down from ten to one.
Each count takes you deeper relaxed.
Ten, going deeper and deeper.
Nine, relaxing more and more.
Eight, floating easily down.
Seven, just drifting down.
Six, relaxing more.
Five, halfway down.
Four, feeling comfortable and relaxed.
Three, going deeper and deeper relaxed.
Two, all the way down.
One, completely and comfortably relaxed.

Each word I utter penetrates deeply.
Now, I will give you a trigger.
This trigger helps you fall into trance.
When I say “drop,” you will drop deeply.
Count to five, the trigger becomes powerful.
One, drop. Two, drop.
Three, becoming more powerful.
Four, drop. Five, drop.

The trigger is deep in your subconscious.
Every time I say “drop,” you will drop.
Stay in this hypnotic state as long as you wish.
Wake yourself at any time you desire.